On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 14:55:26 -0600, Logan Cranford wrote:

> I downloaded Python but when I try to run Idle it says it is not found
> and I should try to redownload it. When I try to do that all that comes
> up is a page that says modify, repair or uninstall. I have repaired
> several times but it still gives me the same message. Can anyone  help
> me with this?

Have you tried with Perl? What is your OS and how are you trying to run
it? I would suggest doing "sudo bash" and on the root prompt do this:

dnf -y install python3

When you type "which python", your OS should tell you where your Python

[mgogala@umajor tmp]$ which python

You can further test by echoing Python version:

[mgogala@umajor tmp]$ python -V
Python 3.9.1

If you see something like C:\ prompt, then install Cygwin and use your 
Python from Cygwin. Your goal is have bash and vi editor. If that is an
option, reformat your boot drive and install Ubuntu, Mint or Fedora.

[mgogala@umajor tmp]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 33 (Thirty Three)
[mgogala@umajor tmp]$ 

Visual studio code is available both on Linux and Windows and is freaking 
awesome. No need to run Idle. Idle is a flint ax when compared to VSCode. 
VSCode supports auto-completion, formatting and many other things that 
you cannot even dream of in Idle.

Since you're most probably using Winduhs, use regedit and modify your PATH
variable. Your python will be in c:\Program Files if you installed 64 bit 
version, which you should have done. Otherwise, it will be in C:\Program 
Files(x86). Your "idle" program will be in your "start menu" which came 
back in Winduhs 10. You would probably never have guessed, but I'm not 
particularly fond of Winduhs.

Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant

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