
I wonder if you understood my intended meaning not about the plusses and 
minuses of using a language like LISP but that it is fundamentally build on 
using the CONS concept to make lists in a poetic way but has no PROSE.

Not only does every language have what I meant by the usual meaning of pros and 
cons, but it depends on what other languages you are comparing it to, what kind 
of work you use the language for, is it for prototyping or final and efficient 
use, will someone else be extending or maintaining it, and which side of the 
bed you woke up on.

I used to be a fan of brevity as in whatever make me type less. But over time, 
many functions you call now have so many arguments, that I am now a fan of 
specifying the names of each argument as in function_name(arg1=value1, 
arg3=value3, ...) because it makes it much clearer what you want and prevents a 
certain class of errors. Nonetheless, I despise very long variable names, even 
when the editor allows for name completion. I thus like to place many commands 
on multiple lines to be read somewhat vertically and short lines. Others prefer 
the opposite. If a language hinders this style of multi-line, it is a plus or 
minus depending.

(cons "A" (cons "v" (cons "I" nil)))

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list <> On 
Behalf Of Benjamin Schollnick
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 1:31 PM
To: Michael F. Stemper <>
Subject: Re: New Python implementation

>> that method was borrowed from or vice versa. Being a rich language 
>> has pro's and cons. LISP only had cons.

Now, Now.  That’s certainly not correct.  

LISP does have a few Pros.  Namely Job security.  You’ll have a hard time 
replacing a experienced and professional LISP programmer.

        - Benjamin



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