On 2021-03-06 8:21 AM, Frank Millman wrote:
Hi all

This is purely academic, but I would like to understand the following -

 >>> a = [('x', 'y')]
 >>> s = []
 >>> for b, c in a:
...   s.append((b, c))
 >>> s
[('x', 'y')]

This is what I expected.

 >>> s = []
 >>> s.append(((b, c) for b, c in a))
 >>> s
[<generator object <genexpr> at 0x0000019FC3F863C0>]

I expected the same as the first one.

I understand the concept that a generator does not return a value until you call next() on it, but I have not grasped the essential difference between the above two constructions.

Thanks, Alan and Ming.

I think I have got it now.

In my first example, a 'for' loop both creates an iterable object *and* iterates over it.

In my second example, a generator expression creates an iterable object, but does nothing with it until asked.

Changing 'append' to 'extend' has the effect of iterating over the generator expression and appending the results.



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