Loris Bennett wrote:

   usage: grocli [-h] [-o {check,add,delete}] [-u USERS [USERS ...]] [-g GROUP]

   Command line grouper tool

   optional arguments:
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     -o {check,add,delete}, --operation {check,add,delete}
                           operation to apply
     -u USERS [USERS ...], --users USERS [USERS ...]
                           users to apply operation to
     -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                           group to apply operation to

However, the options -o, -u, and -g are required, not optional.

Just a nitpick.

To quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_message
"To indicate required arguments, Angled brackets are
  commonly used, ..."

So then it should better be written as:
  grocli [-h] <-o {check,add,delete}> <-u USERS [USERS ...]> <-g GROUP>


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