Guenter wrote:
> It is a video image coming from a camera over a frame grabber board.
> The video from the frame grabber is passed to another board that
> performs some processing and when it comes back from that board it
> needs to be displayed. The joystick allows to specify some regions of
> interest in the image, but any zooming is done by the chip on that
> second board. So the application needs only to take the image it gets
> from that second board, displays it, handle the joystick input and does
> some book keeping of where it is with the joystick position and zoom
> factor.

Cool!  It sounds to me as though Pygame (perhaps embedded in a wxPython 
app) would be most appropriate.  I know it has direct support for 
joysticks, which I doubt the standard GUI frameworks generally have. 
(Hmm... no, I'm wrong.  At least wxPython does have Joystick support. 
Check it out in the demo.)


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