C. Barnes wrote:
> Hi, I'm in the process of writing a Python linear
> algebra module.
> The current targeted interface is:
>   http://oregonstate.edu/~barnesc/temp/linalg/

Is this going to become free software. If yes, what license
will you use?

So my suggestions:

In cases like these ones:

        random_matrix(m, n=-1)
        zero_matrix(m, n=-1)

.. I think it's better to set the default value to "None"
instead of a number:

        random_matrix(m, n=None)
        zero_matrix(m, n=None)

IMHO, this is more intuitive and more "pythonic".

I also suggest to make the "random function" choosable:

        random_matrix(m, n=None, randfunc=random.random)
        random_vector(n, randfunc=random.random)

This way it's more easy for those who want another range
of numbers, or want another kind of distribution of the
random numbers.

At the top of your documentation, there is a link "overview",
which is broken:

        See _overview_ for a quick start.



Volker Grabsch

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