Op 09-07-2021 om 08:14 schreef vergos....@gmail.com:
Στις Παρασκευή, 9 Ιουλίου 2021 στις 12:03:00 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Menno 
Holscher έγραψε:
Op 08-07-2021 om 15:42 schreef vergos....@gmail.com:
import flask
['Blueprint', 'Config', 'Flask', 'Markup', 'Request', 'Response',
'Session', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
'__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__',
'__version__', '_app_ctx_stack', '_compat', '_request_ctx_stack',
'abort', 'after_this_request', 'app', 'appcontext_popped',
'appcontext_pushed', 'appcontext_tearing_down',
'before_render_template', 'blueprints', 'cli', 'config',
'copy_current_request_context', 'ctx', 'current_app', 'escape', 'flash',
'g', 'get_flashed_messages', 'get_template_attribute', 'globals',
'got_request_exception', 'has_app_context', 'has_request_context',
'helpers', 'json', 'json_available', 'jsonify', 'make_response',
'message_flashed', 'redirect', 'render_template',
'render_template_string', 'request', 'request_finished',
'request_started', 'request_tearing_down', 'safe_join', 'send_file',
'send_from_directory', 'session', 'sessions', 'signals',
'signals_available', 'stream_with_context', 'template_rendered',
'templating', 'url_for', 'wrappers']
... there is no "run" there. What were you trying to achieve?

When you look at the exported symbols, there is no route, so if you expected flask to export route it is not there either.
How is that even possible?

Do i have  something wrong in the www.py?

from flask import Flask, route, request, redirect, render_template, url_for, 
send_from_directory, debug

app = Flask(__name__)

There is 2 possibilities here. One is you have a module named route. Than you do not import it as a name from flask, but as a module.

The other is you are looking for the attribute route from the Flask class.

@app.route("/item/<item_no>", methods=["GET", "POST"])

This creates a route. The route method is a method of an instance of Flask (i.e. app), so importing Flask is enough.

Also i use run for this

app.run( host='superhost.gr', port=5000, debug=True )

Yes, that is OK, if DNS contains a host superhost.gr.

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards

Menno Hölscher


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