On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 4:31 AM Mohsen Owzar <mohsen.ow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I get all the packages available in 3.8 version also available for 
> 3.10 version without any new installation in 3.10 for each all already 
> existing packages?

You can't. With compiled binaries, especially, it's important to
install into each version separately - there can be minor differences
which will be taken care of by the installer. Normally, that's not a
problem, other than that you have to install each one again; the best
way would be to keep track of your package dependencies in a file
called requirements.txt, and then you can simply install from that
(python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt) into the new version.

As to PyQt5 specifically, though.... I don't know what the issue here
is, but I tried it on my system and it successfully installed version
5.15.4. Are you using the latest version of pip? There might be some
other requirements. Alternatively, I'm seeing a potential red flag
from this line:

> C:\Qt\4.7.4\bin\qmake.exe -query

You're trying to install Qt5, but maybe it's coming across a Qt4
installation? Not sure if that's significant or not.


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