On 27/09/2021 20.01, Avi Gross wrote:

Given your further explanation, indeed reading varying numbers of points in
using a CSV is not valid, albeit someone might just make N columns (maybe a
few more than 7) to handle a hopefully worst case. Definitely it makes more
sense to read in a list or other data structure.

You keep talking about generators, though. If the generators are outside of
your program, then yes, you need to read in whatever they produce.

My original post (which is as the snows of yesteryear) made explicit the
fact that when I refer to a generator, I'm talking about something made
from tons of iron and copper that is oil-filled and rotates at 1800 rpm.
(In most of the world other than North America, they rotate at 1500 rpm.)

Nothing to do with the similarly-named python construct. Sorry for the

But if
your data generator is within your own program,

The data is created in my mind, and approximates typical physical
characteristics of real generators.

My impression is you may not be using your set of data points for any other
purposes except when ready to draw a spline.

Nope, the points give a piecewise-linear curve, and values between two
consecutive points are found by linear interpolation. It's industry
standard practice.

Can I just ask if by a generator, you do NOT mean the more typical use of
"generator" as used in python

Nope; I mean something that weighs 500 tons and rotates, producing
electrical energy.

  Do you mean something that creates
realistic test cases to simulate a real-word scenario?

The thing that creates realistic test cases is my brain.

  These often can
create everything at once and often based on random numbers.

I have written such, but not in the last thirty years. At that time, I
needed to make up data for fifty or one hundred generators, along with
tie lines and loads.

What I'm working on now only needs a handful of generators at a time;
just enough to test my hypothesis. (Theoretically, I could get by with
two, but that offends my engineering sensibilities.)

create everything at once and often based on random numbers. Again, if you
have or build such code, it is not clear it needs to be written to disk and
then read back.

Well, I could continue to hard-code the data into one of the test
programs, but that would mean that every time that I wanted to look
at a different scenario, I'd need to modify a program. And when I
discover anomalous behavior, I'd need to copy the hard-coded data
into another program.

Having the data in a separate file means that I can provide a function
to read that file and return a list of generators (or fuels) to a
program. Multiple test cases are then just multiple files, all of which
are available to multiple programs.

  You may of course want to save it, perhaps as a log, to show
what your program was working on.

That's another benefit of having the data in external files.

Michael F. Stemper
A preposition is something you should never end a sentence with.

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