On 2021-11-06 16:16, Mahmood Naderan via Python-list wrote:
In the following code, I am trying to create some key-value pairs in a 
dictionary where the first element is a name and the second element is a 

# Creating a dictionary
data = {'Value':[0,0,0]}
kernel_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=['M1','M2','M3'])
dict = {'dummy':kernel_df}
# dummy  ->          Value
#               M1      0
#               M2      0
#               M3      0

Then I read a file and create some batches and compare the name in the batch 
with the stored names in dictionary. If it doesn't exist, a new key-value (name 
and dataframe) is created. Otherwise, the Value column is appended to the 
existing dataframe.

df = pd.read_csv('test.batch.csv')
for i in range(0, len(df), 3):
     print("\n------BATCH BEGIN")
     batch_df = df.iloc[i:i+3]
     name = batch_df.loc[i].at["Name"]
     values = batch_df.loc[:,["Value"]]
     print("------BATCH END")
     if name in dict:
         # Append values to the existing key
         dict[name] = pd.concat( dict[name],values )   #### ERROR
         # Create a new pair in dictionary
         dict[name] = values;

As you can see in the output, the join statement has error.

     ID Name Metric  Value
0   0   K1     M1     10
1   0   K1     M2      5
2   0   K1     M3     10
3   1   K2     M1     20
4   1   K2     M2     10
5   1   K2     M3     15
6   2   K1     M1      2
7   2   K1     M2      2
8   2   K1     M3      2

0     10
1      5
2     10

3     20
4     10
5     15

6      2
7      2
8      2

As it reaches the contact() statement, I get this error:

TypeError: first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of 
type "DataFrame"

Based on the definition I wrote in the beginning of the code, "dict[name]" 
should be a dataframe. Isn't that?

How can I fix that?

You're trying to concatenate by passing the 2 items as the first 2 arguments to pd.concat, but I think that you're supposed to pass them as an _iterable_, e.g. a list, as the first argument to pd.concat.

Try this instead:

    dict[name] = pd.concat([dict[name], values])

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