On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 4:18 AM Ulli Horlacher
<frams...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
> Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, if you're not going to go to the effort of getting your
> > executables signed
> I cannot sign my executables (how can I do it anyway?), because Windows
> deletes my executable as soon as I have compiled them! They exist only
> for a few seconds and then they are gone.
> > another reason to just distribute .py files.
> I cannot do that because my users do not have Python installed and they
> are not allowed to do it.

Are they really allowed to install your unsigned executables but are
not allowed to install Python from a known and trusted source?

If there's some bizarre loophole that allows them to run completely
untrusted binary code, but not to run legitimate code that can be
fetched from a variety of trusted places (including python.org, the
Windows store, etc), then I'm afraid you're on your own, and will
probably need to play around with the exact loophole to figure out
what is going to be permitted.

Alternatively, just go find the person who decides what gets
installed, and request a Python interpreter to be added to the
permitted list. That's probably easier, and it's certainly going to be
better long-term.


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