On 30Nov2021 10:59, DL Neil <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:
>Fedora names it as rxvt-unicode.
>Installed v9.26
>Text is too small for these old eyes.

Fair enough. There are resources, but not worth it unless you really 
want the app.

>No menu bar and no context menus.

Um, yes. The (hardware, serial) terminals we had a uni didn't have such 
niceties, and therefore we should not want them.

>Unable to copy-paste (the flag codes) into that window.

Fair enough.

>I choose not to even try to remember the difficulties of working with
>small screens over-laying one another and 'getting lost' in the pile!

Aye. Tiling is very nice.

>I'm a lazy toad. Thus the idea that the IDE will allow me to 'press a
>(single) button' to repeat the last-run test/execute the code, without
>me having to commit a Save and to jump between panels/windows/screens,
>is seductive.

I once had a vi macro bound to ";" for "^W:!!^M", which autosaves the 
current file and reran the last shell command. Used it a lot in the 
single-terminal days. I unbound it several years ago though.

>I've nominated Kitty as
>Fedora's default terminal. We'll see how it goes with work-loads beyond
>raising the flag...

I'd like to hear how that goes down the track. If I find myself on a 
Linux desktop again a good terminal emulator would be very welcome.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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