On 5/24/22 15:14, Kevin M. Wilson via Python-list wrote:
> future_value = 0
> for i in range(years):
> # for i in range(months):
>    future_value += monthly_investment
>    future_value = round(future_value, 2)
>    # monthly_interest_amount = future_value * monthly_interest_rate
>    # future_value += monthly_interest_amount
>    # display the result
>    print(f"Year = ", years + f"Future value = \n", future_value)When joining 
> a string with a number, use an f-string otherwise, code a str() because a 
> implicit convert of an int to str causes a TypeError!Well...WTF! Am I not 
> using the f-string function correctly...in the above line of code???

As noted elsewhere, your f-strings by themselves are fine, it isn't
complaining about those, though they're kind of silly as they don't do
any formatting that justifies entering them as f-strings. It's
complaining about this piece:

years + f"Future value = \n"

which is the second of the three comma-separated argument to print().
That's the int + string the error is grumping about.

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