Steve GS <Gronicus@SGA.Ninja> wrote:
> Yes, it is real-time play back of a pre-recorded presentation. 
> A juke box does the same thing. It plays records.
> You didn't put your quarter in to expect the band to play your piece live,
> did you?
> Same here, I am pulling in the programs and playing them for an audience.
> All I want to do is have some semblance of AGC audio since the sources don't
> seem to be able to do it.

    And if your metaphorical jukebox plays digital files, I would
expect it to do any modifications to the *file* before playing, not try
to modify the output as it analyzed what it was playing via its own
output (for some reason), which is vastly more difficult.

    You're saying it here yourself:  "I am pulling in the programs".
Good, then modify them *before* playing them?  Nope, you insist on
getting them playing, then attempting to monitor them and modify them
on the fly based on...some parameters that are unclear. But, once
again, your way is clearly better, then go ahead and fill your boots
on doing it your way.  What do we know?  

    Good luck to you.  It once again appears that we are at an
impasse. Let us know how it works out.

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