On 8/31/22, George Rwaga <g.rw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure why the default for installing Python is
> C:\Users\xxxxx.xxxxx\AppData\local\programs\Python\Python310.

The "programs" folder in the above path is the default location to
install programs just for user "xxxxx.xxxxx." More precisely, the
default location is "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs". A user can easily
change this path to a custom location in Explorer, so one shouldn't
rely on the default value in general. Instead, use the shell protocol
path, shell:userprogramfiles. You can use the latter directly in
Explorer, such as the Win+R dialog. From the command line in CMD or
PowerShell, use the `start` command. For example:

    >start shell:userprogramfiles

Python's installer defaults to the user program files directory when
installing just for the current user. When the setup is changed to
install for all users, it automatically switches to using
"%ProgramFiles%" or "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (e.g. "C:\Program Files").
It will try to elevate to get administrator access when installing for
all users.

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