In another thread ("Improvement to imports, what is a better way ?") there was a lot of talk about line length, PEP-8, etc. I realized that one subject did not really come up, yet it can greatly affect the things we were talking about.

I'm referring to the design of the functions, methods, and classes. When they are well designed, or more likely, refactored over and over again, they can lead to code that reads almost like pseudo-code. Here's an example from one of my little projects. You don't need to know anything about the details of the functions or exactly what a "root" is to see what I mean.

    fileinfo = language, path, ext = getExeKind(root)
    processor = getProcessor(*fileinfo)
    runfile(path, processor, ext)

[Please don't try to guess exactly what this code needs to do or explain how it could be done differently. That's not the point.]

In words, given a source of information (root), we can get some information about a file. Given that information, we can find a suitable processor for it. And given that processor, we can "run" it.

When I first put this together, the functionality was not cleanly separated, the various functions did more than one thing, and I had some long lines. Each line did not necessarily convey cleanly what it was doing.

It took many iterations while I learned how to make the details work before I was able to see how to structure this part of the functionality into these three nice, clear lines.

In fact, the restructuring isn't quite finished, because the near-final version of runfile() does not actually use "ext" (the extension of a file) any more. Its presence is leftover from when runfile() tried to do too much.

Why did I assign the (language, path, ext) tuple to fileinfo? Because it was easier and shorter when used as the argument for getProcessor(), and I thought it conveyed the intent more clearly than the tuple.

Some people might think to write

processor = getProcessor(*getExeKind(root))

Oops, that doesn't expose path and ext. Well, not if we are going to avoid using a walrus operator, anyway, and if we used it, well, readability would go out the window.

In a different context, a "fluent" style can be very readable and pleasant to work with. Here are some lines from a Windows batch file that invokes a small Python library written in a fluent style. The first line defines a processing pipeline, and the second passes a data file to it ("xy1" is the feeble name for a batch file that calls the fluent processing library):

    set process=low(30).diff().norm_last_n(%N%).write()
    type "c:\data\%1" |xy1 %process% >> %temp%

In words, we smooth the data with a LOWESS smooth using a window width of 30, differentiate it, normalize it in a specific way (norm_last_n), and write it out (to stdout).

Not shown here, we eventually pipe it to a plotting program.

I intended from the start that this library would work in a "fluent" manner. It took a lot of iterations before I worked out how to design it so the it could be invoked in a clean, simple way by a batch file.

All this is to say that program design and refactoring can play a large role in writing code that can be understood relatively easily, follow the style guidelines as closely as possible, and be as easy as possible to maintain.

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