On 2023-02-01, mutt...@dastardlyhq.com <mutt...@dastardlyhq.com> wrote:
>>No, but it was decided that Python 3 would have to be backwards
>>incompatible, mainly to sort out the Unicode mess. Given that,
>>the opportunity was taken to clean up some other mistakes as well.
> Unicode is just a string of bytes.

No it isn't. Certain _encodings_ of Unicode are strings of bytes
(UTF-8, for example).

> C supports it with a few extra library functions to get unicode
> length vs byte length and similar. Its really not that
> hard.

It is, actually.

C (the language) doesn't support Unicode at all. There are, however,
libraries that can be used to deal with it.

> Rewriting an entire language just to support that sounds a bit
> absurd to me but hey ho...

Feel free to maintain your own fork of 2.7 :)

The 2.7->3 incompatibility that created the most work for me was

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