Hi list

I'm using a ttk Treeview to display a hierarchical data structure. When
an error condition arises in a node, I want the corresponding item in
the Treeview to flash its background color. 

Using a tag to flash the item background works, except when the item is
selected, when the tag has no effect. I want the item to keep flashing
even when selected.

The code below is a minimal example of the issue. It displays a
Treeview containing two items with the first one flashing. If you
select it, you don't see the flashing anymore.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()
t = Treeview(root)

t.insert('', 0, iid='item1', text='item1')
t.insert('', 1, text='item2')
t.tag_configure('flashtag', background='red')

def flash():
 tags = t.item('item1', 'tags')
 t.item('item1', tags='' if tags else 'flashtag')
 t.after(500, flash)


Other than tags, the only other way I've found to dynamically change
Treeview backgrounds is using styles, in particular Style.map to
configure the background of a selected item, but they apply to all
items in the Treeview and would flash all selected items, not just the
one I want to keep flashing.

Is there another way to do what I want?





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