On 13Mar2023 10:18, scruel tao <scru...@hotmail.com> wrote:
but for anything more complicated, just print and then exit.
It's worth noting, by the way, that sys.exit("error message") will
print that to STDERR, not to STDOUT, which mean that the equivalent

Yes, I know, but don’t you think if `sys.exit` can take more parameters and have a default output channel selection strategy will be better?

That kind of thing is an open ended can of worms. You're better off writing your own `aort()` function such as:

    def abort(message, *a, output=None, exit_code=1):
        if a:
            message = message %a
        if output is None:
            output = sys.stderr
        print(message, file=output)

which can be extended with whatever (potentially _many_) custom options you like. `sys.exit()` itself is just to abort your programme, and doesn't want a lot of knobs. The more knobs, the more things which have to be implemented, and if the knobs are not independent that gets complicated very quickly. Not to mention agreeing on what knobs to provide.

BTW, `sys.exit()` actually raises a `SystemExit` exception which is handled by the `sys.excepthook` callback which handles any exception which escapes from the programme uncaught.

Finally, in larger programs it is uncommon to call `sys.exit()` except in the very outermost "main function", and even there I tend to just `return`, myself. Example:

    def main(argv=None):
        if argv is None:
            argv = sys.argv
        xit = 0
        .... handle the command line arguments, run code ...
        ... errors set xit=1 or maybe xit="message" ...
        return xit

    if __name__ == '__main__':

Notice that the only call to `sys.exit()` is right at the bottom. Everything else is just regularfunction returns.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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