On 2023-03-29, Jack Dangler <tdl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>      data = sorted(data)
> Sorry for any injected confusion here, but that line "data = 
> sorted(data)" appears as though it takes the value of the variable named 
> _data_, sorts it and returns it to the same variable store, so no copy 
> would be created. Am I missing something there?

Yes, you're missing the basics of what an assignment does in Python
and how objects work.  Python doesn't have such a thing as "a variable
st store".

The assignment operator binds a name to an object.

The 'sorted(data)' expression creates a new object containing a sorted copy of 

The assignment then binds the name "data" to that new object.

The old, unsorted object then becomes inaccessable (unless there are
other names bound to it, or it's being otherwise used). At some point
that old, unsorted object will "go away" completely and cease to exist.



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