On 12/5/2023 11:50 AM, MRAB via Python-list wrote:
On 2023-12-05 14:37, Chris Green via Python-list wrote:
Is there a neat, pythonic way to store values which are 'sometimes'

My particular case at the moment is calibration values for ADC inputs
which are set by running a calibration program and used by lots of
programs which display the values or do calculations with them.

 From the program readability point of view it would be good to have a
Python module with the values in it but using a Python program to
write/update a Python module sounds a bit odd somehow.

I could simply write the values to a file (or a database) and I
suspect that this may be the best answer but it does make retrieving
the values different from getting all other (nearly) constant values.

Are there any Python modules aimed specifically at this sort of

Some kind of key/value store sounds like the correct solution. I wouldn't go as far a database - that's overkill for a few calibration values.

I might suggest TOML, except that Python's tomllib (Python 3.11+) is read-only!

Personally, I'd go for lines of:

     key1: value1
     key2: value2

Simple to read, simple to write.

Just go with an .ini file. Simple, well-supported by the standard library. And it gives you key/value pairs.


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