On 19/05/2024 08.49, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
That's what package management on Linux is for. Sure, it means that you
won't have the newest version of anything and some packages not at all,
but you don't have to care about dependencies. Or updates.

Well, that doesn't work as well.
Distributions do not pack everything, this
also depending on licenses.

Sometimes, or often, you need to use the
*latest* version of something, due to some
bugfix or similar.

The distribution does not always keep up
to date everything, so you're stuck.

The only solution is a venv, with all
needed packages for the given task.

Typical problem with PyTorch / TensorFlow.

In case of trouble, the first answer is:
"Check with the latest (nightly) release".

Which means installing something *outside*
the Linux distribution support.
And this impossible, because this will pull
in dependencies like crazy, which are not
(yet) in the Linux distribution path.

Saying it differently, the latest greatest
update is not a wish, it's a must...

So, long story short, the only solution I
know are venvs...

Of course, other solutions are welcome!





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