>> My current implementation may be ugly. I have a class
>> class myThread(threading.Thread):
>>     def __init__(self, func):
>>         self.func = func
>>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>>     def run(self):
>>         print '%s function running' % self.func
>>         self.func()
>> which is used in
>> class myClass: #using myThread
>>     def __init__(self): pass
>>     def aFunc(self): pass
>>     def bFunc(self): pass
>>     def runAll(self):
>>         myThread(self.aFunc).start()
>>         myThread(self.bFunc).start()
> There is a school of thought that says that a derived object should 
> never be altered such that it cannot be used as its parent could. I 
> happen to agree largely with this. Now, your MyThread implementation is 
> _reducing_ the functionality of its ancestor Thread object such that you 
> could not use a myThread in place of a Thread. I believe that you should 
> not be subclassing Thread to do this. Your myClass doesn't need it 
> anyway. Look at this modified myClass:
> class myClass2:
>     def aFunc(self): pass
>     def bFunc(self): pass
>     def runAll(self):
>         threading.Thread(target=self.aFunc).start()
>         threading.Thread(target=self.bFunc).start()
Thanks everyone. Furthering that, is the following legal?

class myClass3:
     def aFunc(self, a): pass
     def bFunc(self, b): pass
     def runAll(self, a, b):
         threading.Thread(target=self.aFunc, args = (a)).start()
         threading.Thread(target=self.bFunc, args = (b)).start()

I do have another dumb question which is OT here. Say aFunc method 
instantiates a SOAP server that serves forever, will it prevent bFunc 
from running as a separate thread?

For example,

class myClass4:
     def repeat(self, s): return s+s
     def aFunc(self, a):
         import SOAPpy
         serv = SOAPpy.SOAPServer((a[0], a[1]))
     def bFunc(self, b): pass
     def runAll(self, a, b):
         threading.Thread(target=self.aFunc, args = (a)).start()
         threading.Thread(target=self.bFunc, args = (b)).start()

if __name__=='__main__': myClass4().runAll(['localhost', 8000], 'hi')

Will the 2nd thread (bFunc) ever run since the 1st thread is running 
forever? Intuitively, I think that both threads will run but I just want 
to be doubly sure, because some of my program logic depends on the 2nd 
thread running while the 1st thread acts as a SOAP server or something.

Thanks and Cheers

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