beza1e1 a écrit :
> I see myself shifting more and more over to the functional kind of
> coding. Could be related to the Haskell, we had to learn in CS. Now i
> was wondering, how other people use Python?
> With functional i mean my files mostly consist of functions

which is not enough to make it 'functional'.

> and only
> rarely i use "class". The library modules seem to be mostly written the
> object-way on the other hand.
> If you use both paradigms. What are your criterias to choose the right
> method for a project?

Well, I'm most from an OO background, but I think OO and FP have in 
common to try to be as declarative as possible, FP by avoiding 
side-effects and relying on function composition, OO by hiding 
implementation and relying on polymorphic message dispatch. When it 
comes to 'pure' OO languages like Python, there's no real differences 
between classes, objects, functions, methods, attributes etc - they're 
*all* objects. So functional programming in Python is still OO ! When 
you realize that the def statement is nothing more than syntactic sugar 
to instantiate a function object, you can ask yourself if using or not 
using the class statement is really the question.

Now to answer your question, I don't have 'criterias to choose the right 
method for a project'. I happily mix procedural, OO and FP wherever it 


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