Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>>> And I think the discussion that followed proved your point perfectly
>>> Fredrik. Big discussion over fairly minor things, but no "big picture".
>>>  Where are the initiatives on the "big stuff" (common documentation
>>> format, improved build system, improved web modules, reworking the
>>> standard library to mention a few)  Hey, even Ruby is passing us here.
>> This is Open Source. If you want an initiative, start one.
> you know, this "you have opinions? fuck off!" attitude isn't really helping.

If I had wanted to say "you have opinions? fuck off!", I would have said
"you have opinions? fuck off!".

All I wanted to say is that if you want a common documentation format, and
you want it badly, you should show up on python-dev and offer help.
Unfortunately, there are not as many Python core developers as Perl core
developers, and things move at a slower pace. That's mostly not their fault,
and not anyone's fault. It's a consequence of the amount of time that is
spent on Python-the-core itself.

And why? Well, because it's more fun to program in Python than to program 


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