Hi !

I want to write a program that backup some databases in the night.

Pseudo like this:

if cmd('net stop dbservice'):
   if cmd('zipit c:\\database '+s):
      if cmd('map drive \\\\backupdrive\\c$ y -user BACKUP -pwd SECRET'):
         if cmd('copy '+s+' y:\\'):
  cmd('net start dbservice')

I'm trying with os.system() commands.
But that is printing the result message to the screen, not to a tuple, 
like commands.|getstatusoutput().
I need to store this message, because I want to log everything that this 
program do/print; every of the messages.

So: how to I capture the screen, or how to I use 
|commands.|getstatusoutput() to access the Windows batch/cmd commands, 
and get their errors/statuses ?

Please help me !

Thanks for it: dd

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