pnm wrote:
> I have a standard Debian x86 system with Python 2.4.1 (compiled from
> source). Attempts to compile 2.4.2 fail with references to Unicode --
> is there a basic system library that's missing?
> ++++++ output from make:
> libpython2.4.a(funcobject.o)(.text+0x96): In function `PyFunction_New':
> Objects/funcobject.c:31: undefined reference to `PyUnicode_Type'
> libpython2.4.a(funcobject.o)(.text+0x9d):Objects/funcobject.c:31:
> undefined reference to `PyUnicode_Type'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [python] Error 1

Can you post a bug report to SourceForge and include the full output from
make there?

Also, have there been any unusual configure warnings?


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