Ok, that one looks more sleak than what I came up with.

Couple of things I learn from your solution, please correct me if I
misunderstood something:

1. list containing other lists will sort itself based on first element
on lists inside ?
2. sort(), pop() is not costly operations

Other than that you seem to not use the cmp operator but that's easily

This one looks much better than mine, here's what I came up with:

def merge_sorted(iterables, comparer=None):
    Generator that will take a list of iterables/generators that is
individually sorted, and then produce
    values in a sorted order by taking the lowest value from each
source each call.

    @param iterables: List of iterables/generators to retrieve values
    @type iterables: List of iterables/generators

    @param comparer: Optional fn(v1, v2) function that can compare two
values, should return <0 if v1<v2,
        >0 if v1>v2 and ==0 if v1==v2.
    @type comparer: function-object, example: lambda x, y: x-y

    @note: The "list of iterables" can actually be anything that
produces a list of iterables, so you can
        use a function that yields lists for instance.

    # First convert whatever we're given into a list of sources
    iterables = [iterable for iterable in iterables]

    # This series of if-statements will determine how many sources we
have and work out sub-problems
    # that are manageable.
    if len(iterables) != 2:
        if len(iterables) == 0:
            # List, but no sources
        elif len(iterables) == 1:
            # Only 1 source, just return its contents
            for value in iterables[0]:
                yield value
        elif len(iterables) == 3:
            # 3 sources, sub-divide into 0 <--> (1, 2)
            left_iterable = iterables[0]
            right_iterable = merge_sorted([iterables[1], iterables[2]],
            for value in merge_sorted([left_iterable, right_iterable],
                yield value
        elif len(iterables) == 4:
            # 4 sources, sub-divide into (0, 1) <--> (2, 3)
            left_iterable = merge_sorted([iterables[0], iterables[1]],
            right_iterable = merge_sorted([iterables[2], iterables[3]],
            for value in merge_sorted((left_iterable, right_iterable),
                yield value
        elif len(iterables) > 4:
            # >4 sources, sub-divide into (0, 1) <--> (2, ...)
            left_iterable = merge_sorted([iterables[0], iterables[1]],
            right_iterable = merge_sorted(iterables[2:], comparer)
            for value in merge_sorted((left_iterable, right_iterable),
                yield value
        raise StopIteration

    # The method will only get here if there is only two sources, which
is an easy case to handle
    i1 = iter(iterables[0])
    i2 = iter(iterables[1])

    # Grab the first two values from the two sources, if possible
        v1 = i1.next()
        has_v1 = True
    except StopIteration:
        has_v1 = False
        v2 = i2.next()
        has_v2 = True
    except StopIteration:
        has_v2 = False

    # As long as we got values from both generates/iterators/whatever,
compare and yield the lowest of the
    # two, and then get the next value from the corresponding source
    while has_v1 and has_v2:
        # Work out which of v1 and v2 comes first
        if comparer is not None:
            comp = comparer(v1, v2)
            if comp <= 0:
                yield_v1 = True
                yield_v1 = False
            if v1 <= v2:
                yield_v1 = True
                yield_v1 = False

        # Yield the next value, then grab a new value from the
corresponding source
        if yield_v1:
            yield v1
                v1 = i1.next()
            except StopIteration:
                has_v1 = False
            yield v2
                v2 = i2.next()
            except StopIteration:
                has_v2 = False

    # When we get here, we got 3 possibilities:
    #  1. has_v1 == True, has_v2 == False --> yield rest of v1/i1 and
just exit on StopIteration exception
    #  2. has_v1 == False, has_v1 == True --> yield rest of v2/i2 and
just exit on StopIteration exception
    #  3. has_v1 == has_v2 == False --> while-loops will skip, function
falls off the end
    while has_v1:
        yield v1
        v1 = i1.next()
    while has_v2:
        yield v2
        v2 = i2.next()


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