Xah Lee wrote: « would anyone like to translate the following perl
script to Python or Scheme (scsh)?»

Here's the Python version.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python

# Wed Oct  5 15:50:31 PDT 2005
# given a dir, report all html file's size. (counting inline images)
# XahLee.org

import re, os.path, sys

inpath= '/Users/t/web/'

while inpath[-1] == '/': inpath = inpath[0:-1] # get rid of trailing

if (not os.path.exists(inpath)):
    print "dir " + inpath + " doesn't exist!"

# subroutines

def getInlineImg(file_full_path):
    '''getInlineImg($file_full_path) returns a array that is a list of
inline images. For example, it may return ['xx.jpg','../image.png']'''

    FF = open(file_full_path,'rb')
    txt_segs = re.split( r'src', unicode(FF.read(),'utf-8'))
    for linkBlock in txt_segs:
        matchResult = re.search(r'\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"', linkBlock)
        if matchResult: linx.append( matchResult.group(1) )
    return linx

def linkFullPath(dir,locallink):
    '''linkFullPath(dir, locallink) returns a string that is the full
path to the local link. For example,
linkFullPath('/Users/t/public_html/a/b', '../image/t.png') returns
'Users/t/public_html/a/image/t.png'. The returned result will not
contain double slash or '../' string.'''
    result = dir + '/' + locallink
    result = re.sub(r'//+', r'/', result)
    while re.search(r'/[^\/]+\/\.\.', result): result =
re.sub(r'/[^\/]+\/\.\.', '', result)
    return result

def listInlineImg(htmlfile):
    '''listInlineImg($html_file_full_path) returns a array where each
element is a full path to inline images in the html.'''
    imgPaths = getInlineImg(htmlfile)
    result = []
    for aPath in imgPaths:
        result.append(linkFullPath( dir, aPath))
    return result

# main

def checkLink(dummy, dirPath, fileList):
    for fileName in fileList:
        if '.html' == os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] and
            totalSize = os.path.getsize(dirPath+'/'+fileName)
            imagePathList = listInlineImg(dirPath+'/'+fileName)
            for imgPath in imagePathList: totalSize +=
            fileSizeList.append([totalSize, dirPath+'/'+fileName])

os.path.walk(inpath, checkLink, 'dummy')

fileSizeList.sort(key=lambda x:x[0],reverse=True)

for it in fileSizeList: print it
print "done reporting."

This Python version is a direct translation of the Perl version. They
match pretty much line by line.

for both the Python version and the Perl version, see:

Would any lisper provides a Scheme version? i don't think i'll do a
Scheme version anytime soon. Please, Schemers, show us some fanfare.

∑ http://xahlee.org/


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