Clint Norton wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I'm a student currently in the beginning of my master's degree and
> I'm searching for an interesting open source project written in Python
> to contribute to.
>     I have worked as a programmer for the past few years (mostly in
> academia but also as a typical full time code monkey in a commercial
> company), some of it in python, some in Java (commercial companies
> really seem to like Java).
>     Anyway, which python projects would be a good start? I generally
> like working on algorithmic parts or "Business Logic" and really don't
> like doing interface work. The software I like producing has a tendency
> to make use of the random and/or math modules, if that says something
> about the nature of the work I've done... I really want to give
> something back to the community I've taken so much from in the past.

We could always use more algorithms in scipy. scipy is a large, fairly
loose collection of numerical algorithms. Currently we're in a
transitional period; we're moving over to the new array object (yes,
another one), so the website is a bit out of date. Fortunately, scipy is
loose enough that you could simply jump in and implement a new algorithm
without needing to concern yourself much with the rest of the library. I
suggest poking around the latest SVN branches (listed below) to get a
feel of what's already in there, and then introducing yourself on the
scipy-dev list. I can give you more direct advice about what's missing
and what we would like to include.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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