Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, Tkinter not most people's favorite, because the widgets look
> crude, they don't resemble the native widgets of any popular platform,
> and the widget set is somewhat limited.

People should probably be more aware of work that has been going on with 
Tk recently (after a fairly long hiatus) in terms of greatly improving 
its appearance, adding theming, and more.  It's worth checking out, and 
of course, if there's a way to help get some of these changes into 
Tkinter, the Tk folks would I'm sure be helpful. 

Here's a portion of a note that Jeff Hobbs posted to the Ruby group 
recently, on a similar topic:

> From: Jeff Hobbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The definitive GUI for Ruby
> Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 11:02:46 -0700
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
> Eustaquio Rangel de Oliveira J wrote:
> > Tk is still too ugly for make programmers that are
> > migrating. :-)
> Tk is only ugly if that's the way you like it.  You have a
> full set of themed widgets available now that give you
> native look and feel, with all the same dynamic control and
> general ease of use that Tk has always provided.  All this
> on Aqua, Win32 and X11 (even Windows/CE).  Some screenshots
> of Tk apps that try not to be ugly:
> The Perl Dev Kit and Tcl Dev Kit UIs:
> Tk on Win/CE (I know that the Perl/Tcl::Tk use this too):
> Coccinella:
> An installer builder:
> An example of improving a Tk app by "going native":

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