
I'm a python n00b!

I've been writing in c++ for a few years so programming's not new to me, 
just python that I don't know the syntax!

What I'm trying to do is get an email from an pop3 account, and then search 
the email for some CVS data and import that information into MS Access.

I'm managed to get some code to download a message from the email account 
and save it to a text file, does any one have a link to some sample code to 
search though a file until a string of characters is matched?  Or could 
point me to some functions that may help me with this?

I've also managed to connect to my access database, and just print out a 
field in a table, but I cant find anywhere on the web that will help me to 
import data?  Any help would be great?!

By the way I'm running on windows, and have installed the windows add on's.

Thanks in advance


email code

import sys, poplib

f = open('c:\\myfile.txt', 'w')

mailserver = 'pop3.abilitec.com'
mailuser   = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
mailpasswd = '***********'

print 'Connecting...'
server = poplib.POP3(mailserver)
server.user(mailuser)                      # connect, login to mail server
server.pass_(mailpasswd)                   # pass is a reserved word

    print server.getwelcome()              # print returned greeting message
    msgCount, msgBytes = server.stat()
    print 'There are', msgCount, 'mail messages in', msgBytes, 'bytes'
    print server.list()
    print '-'*80

    for i in range(msgCount):
        hdr, message, octets = server.retr(i+1)    # octets is byte count
        for line in message:
                                                     # retrieve, print all 
        print '-'*80                               # mail box locked till 
        if i < msgCount - 1:
           raw_input('[Press Enter key]')
finally:                                           # make sure we unlock 
    server.quit()                                  # else locked till 
print 'Bye.'



import sys, win32com.client

print 'start'

connection = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
DSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA 
recordset = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Recordset')
recordset.Open('SELECT * FROM tblBooking', connection, 1, 3)
fields_dict = {}
for x in range(recordset.Fields.Count):
    fields_dict[x] = recordset.Fields.Item(x).Name
    print fields_dict[x], recordset.Fields.Item(x).Value

print 'end'


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