And me, I'm a 15 to 20 year veteran, I started *very* young....

I think Alex has it right.  Too many of us elders are like he says.. I
try not to be, to the point where I accepted a promotion from my
captain (wife) from chief engineer of the family to executive officer
(as in, I am now my daughter's full time dad).

But is there anything that people really need in Python open source
that people would accept from an old hand like me?   Or am I still
persona non grata for making a butthead of myself during Pycon 2005
(for which I apologize and beg forgiveness) for trying to evangelize
the concept of making None callable?

At the time, I had broncialitis/pneumonia and temperatures averaging
102 and peaking at 104 during all the time I was there.  But I wasn't
going to let anything short of death itself prevent me from delivering
my paper.  Of course, I please deleriousness (or is it Deloriousness)
during the rest of the time.  I was yucky, I admit it.

The Eternal Squire


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