On 8 Nov 2005 01:12:07 -0800, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I knew there was an easy way :)
>Just to satisfy my curiousity: Is there a way to do something like the
>reference solution I suggest above?

If the last element in the list was a dict, then you could do something like

 >>> lst = ['the', 'last', 'element of this list is a dict', {'key':"key's 
 >>> value"}]
 >>> ref = lst[-1]
 >>> ref
 {'key': "key's value"}
 >>> ref["foo"] =42
 >>> ref['bar'] = 'Ni!'
 >>> ref
 {'foo': 42, 'bar': 'Ni!', 'key': "key's value"}
 >>> ref['key']
 "key's value"
 >>> ref['bar']
 >>> del ref['key']
 >>> ref
 {'foo': 42, 'bar': 'Ni!'}

FWIW ;-)

Bengt Richter

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