Nicolas Vigier wrote:

> I have in my python script a function that look like this :
> def my_function(arg1, arg2, opt1=0, opt2=1, opt3=42):
>         if type(arg1) is ListType:
>                 for a in arg1:
>                         my_function(a, arg2, opt1=opt1, opt2=opt2,
>                         opt3=opt3) 
>                 return
>         if type(arg2) is ListType:
>                 for a in arg2:
>                         my_function(arg1, a, opt1=opt1, opt2=opt2,
>                         opt3=opt3) 
>                 return
>          ... then here the real function code
> I'm new to python, so I was wondering if there is a better way to do
> that. The reason for a recursive function here is to be able to give
> lists for the first 2 args (I could as well use only a simple 'for'
> without a recursive call). The problem I have here, is that as I'm
> working on this script, I often change the prototype of the function,
> and each time I have to think about changing the recursive call too.
> Is there a way that I can do a recursive call and say something like
> "keep all the same arguments except this one" ?

This gets messy if the actual first two arguments could also be lists, do 
you really want it to recurse again? I would handle this by having two 
functions, one which takes simple arguments:

def my_function(a, b, opt1=0, opt2=1, opt3=42):
   ... the real function code ...

and one which takes your list arguments:

def my_function_for_sequences(seqA, seqB, *args, **kw):
    for a in seqA:
        for b in seqB:
            my_function(a, b, *args, **kw)

That way you avoid any confusion over the argument types. It won't handle 
the case where only one of a or b is a sequence, but you can handle that 
easily enough by creating a list in the call.

It will also handle the case where you pass an iterable which isn't a list, 
so you have more flexibility there. (Once you are used to Python you should 
get a big red warning light going on in your head any time you see an 
explicit test for a type: not all such cases are bad, but they often 
indicate a code smell.)

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