john boy wrote:
> using the following program:
> fruit = "banana"
> index = 0
> while index < len (fruit):
>      letter = fruit[index-1]
>      print letter
>      index= index -1
> this program is supposed to spell "banana" backwards and in a vertical 
> does this....but after spelling "banana" it gives an error 
> message:
> refering to line 4: letter = fruit[index-1]
> states that it is an IndexError and the string index is out of range
> Anybody know how to fix this?
Change the termination condition on your loop. If you print out the 
values of index as the loop goes round you'll see you are printing 
characters whose index values are -1, -2, ..., -6

Unfortunately -7 is less than -6, so your loop keeps on going, with the 
results you observe.

Note, however, that there are more pythonic ways to perform this task. 
You might try:

for index in range(len(fruit)):
   letter = fruit[-index-1]
   print letter

as one example. I'm sure other readers will have their own ways to do 
this, many of them more elegant.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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