Ben Bush wrote:

> I have a lis:
> [[1,3],[3,4],[5,6],[8,9],[14,0],[15,8]]
> I want a code to test when the difference between the first element in
> the list of list is equal to or larger than 6, then move the previous
> lists to the end of the list. that is:
> [[14,0],[15,8],[1,3],[3,4],[5,6],[8,9]]

have you tried doing this yourself?  how far did you get?  can you
post the code so we can help you figure out what you need to fix?
is this a homework assignment?

here's a oneliner:

    L = [x for x in L if x[0]-x[1] >= 6] + [x for x in L if x[0]-x[1] < 6]

depending on how you define "difference", you may need to replace
x[0]-x[1] with abs(x[0]-x[1])



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