> I want to write to the pins of an RS232 without using the serial
> protocol.  The use would be every pin could act to complete a circuit
> in customized hardware.  I could use python to communicate serially to
> a BASIC stamp or a Javelin stamp and then use the stamp to set however
> many pins as 0's or 1's but should it be that hard to do with python.
> I've looked through how python does serial with the "serial" module but
> it just uses Java's javax.comm libraries.  Is there anyway to do very
> low level device writing to COM ports?

As Roy indicates, you can't practically make a serial port on a PC do 
this.  I just wanted to note that you've misunderstood the presence of 
the Java stuff in pyserial.  If you're running under Jython then that 
stuff is used, but if you're on Windows the file win32serial.py (or 
something like that... going by memory) is what will be used, not the 
java one.

Also, pyparallel should let you get closer to what you want, and in fact 
questions about using it are certainly on-topic here, though 
troubleshooting hardware issues are probably not.



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