> I think I understand my problem, but first the sample code extracted to
> my project.
> Rq : it's an automatic run of unitary test, the names of unitary test
> are parameter of main program "imported" file via the "execfile"
> function (an usage of "import" instead may be a solution....) :
> file run.py :
> ----------------
> def run_ut( test ) :
>     # to have the problem the execfile MUST be in a function
>     execfile( test )
> run_ut( "ut_00.py" )
> file ut_00.py :
> --------------------
> import math
> def f() :
>     ## global math # <-- just decomment this line to avoid error
>     print "Second access :"
>     print "\t",math.pi # ERROR
> print "First access :"
> print "\t",math.pi # OK
> f()

How interesting. Can anyone actually explain the behaviour here?

Without the global statement everything works as I expect: the 'import 
math' is executed in the local scope of run_ut, so the function f() doesn't 
find it either in its local scope nor in global scope.

Inserting 'global math' at the outer level in ut_00.py (e.g. before the 
'import math') also works as I expect: math now becomes a global variable 
and is visible to f().

What I really don't understand is why the global statement *inside* f 
affects the scope of math outside f. If we had nested functions then a 
global variable in an inner function doesn't affect scope in outer 
functions. I realise that f() here isn't a nested function, but even so it 
looks to me like a bug unless I'm missing something.

(Technically the program is invoking undefined behaviour as the language 
reference says that names listed in a global statement must not be defined 
in an import statement, but that isn't really relevant since you can 
replace the import with an assignment statement and get the same weird 

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