Is it possible to get doctest-mode to work with mmm-mode and python-mode 
nicely so that docstrings containing doctests are editable in 

In my utter e-lisp ignorance, I tried this:

(require 'mmm-auto)
(setq mmm-global-mode 'maybe)
     :submode doctest-mode
     :front "\"\"\""
     :back "\"\"\"")))
(mmm-add-mode-ext-class nil "\\.py$" 'doctest)

That has the following problems:

  - Fails to set the background colour of the doctest-mode regions to the 
default mmm-mode gray (as documented by mmm-mode - and observed for 
another mmm class I have).  Maybe an interaction with python-mode?

  - Confuses python-mode: the face of docstrings sometimes fluctuates from 
second to second between the string face and the face of ordinary text 
(I assume the former face is python-mode's string face and the latter face 
is the doctest-mode English-text face)!

Any tips appreciated!


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