Sam Pointon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, assuming you want a Things object to break if either a) all three
> arguments aren't sequences of the same length, or b) all three
> arguments aren't a number (or string, or whatever), this should work:
> #Not tested.
> class Things(object):
>     def __init__(self, x, y, z):
>         try:
>             if not (len(x) == len(y) and len(y) == len(z)):
>                 raise ValueError('Things don't match up.')

Careful though: this does NOT treat a string as a scalar, as per your
parenthetical note, but rather as a sequence, since it does respond
correctly to len(...).  You may need to specialcase with checks on
something like isinstance(x,basestring) if you want to treat strings as


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