
> I am trying to write an IM Bot, which automatically replies to a
> message, in Python.
> I was wondering If there are python modules for connecting to Yahoo!,
> msn networks ...
> ideally I would like to have a multithreaded module.
> This is one I found for msn, if anyone has used it please comment,
> - http://users.auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/msnlib/
I haven't used that, but it looks cool ;-)

If you are interested in yahoo, then here is another python application
to connect to the yahoo messenger:


Again, I haven't tried that one, but perhaps you could just test it.

I have other links to tools based in the libyahoo2[1] package, but
unfortunately all are written in C or java. Perhaps you could find a
python wrapper in google.


[1] http://libyahoo2.sourceforge.net


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