Luis M. González wrote:
> I'd like to know, in your opinion, how far is the goal of making pypy
> complete and fast?

Me too :-)

PyPy is doing a great job, that's for sure.

I'm hesitant with making estimates, after I learned what a bad
job I'm doing at extrapolation.

First I thought that we would reach our first self-contained
PyPy much earlier, gaining CPython speed. When I had lost my
faith a little, we suddenly made it. Then we made very much
progress in speeding it up, but still we are 7 to 10 times
slower than CPython, and it gets harder and harder.

Now we are aiming at JIT technology, which is able to accelerate
Python quite much in many cases, even if we should fail to
improve the basic translation reasonably. Of course it would
be nice to reach both aims, and I expect that the things we
will learn from writing the JIT will also improve the static

Completenes? In some aspects, like CPython compatibility,
we are very complete, maybe more than the original, even. :-)
Concerning the promises we made to the EU, we will have a hard
time to make it all happen on schedule, but we have a chance,
given that the support by external helpers keeps growing.
Concerning all what we ever said about PyPy? This is a never-
ending story and unlimited, as I don't expect PyPy to stop
growing and extending in any near future, like Python doesn't...

> Regarding the current state of the project, are you confident that the
> goals will be met, or you still have doubts?

I no longer have doubts about success. I never really had, but
my time estimates are less pessimistic as they sometimes were.
I don't really believe that we will outperform CPython with
a translated RPython interpreter by the end of next year.
We will probably, in conjunction with a JIT compiler.
For gaining a maximum of performance, my guess is another
two years would make very much sense.

> (The same questions go for the RPython translator project as
> stand-alone tool)...

This is a matter of viewpoint. As a developer, I'm able to
create extenson modules on demand without any explicit tools.
Enabling/supporting the most needed features might be doable
in a couple of weeks and months, depending on the expectations.
A simple-to-use, stand-alone tool for making extensions will
maybe not happen at all, unless we get a lot of extra-resources.

I'm expecting something to happen in the first quarter of the year.
It depends on how much we can extend activities without missing
the promised goals which we have to fulfill, and how much
sponsoring we can create. I believe that by providing just enough
support to make some companies productive in using PyPy, we will
create enough funding for the time after 2006 to make PyPy survive
for a long time, and creating tools like this will become a
self-running motor for PyPy. A matter of good balancing :-)

merry christmas -- chris
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