Larry Bates wrote:
> Joe wrote:
>>Is Python going to support s syntax the does not use it's infamous
>>whitespace rules? 

Of course.

I estimate it will take around 1 to 2 years from now, until this 
whitespace-concept will become optionally.

Backwards-compatibility will be kept, thus those who love this feature 
will remain happy python users.

Python accepts the diversity of its userbase - at least where 
technically possible.

And in this case it is.

>>I recall reading that Python might include such a
>>feature. Or, maybe just a brace-to-indentation preprocessor would be
>>Many people think Python's syntax makes sense. There are strong
>>feelings both ways. It must depend on a person's way of thinking,
>>because I find it very confusing, even after using with Python for some
>>time, and trying to believe the advice that I would learn to like it.
>>The most annoying thing is that multiple dedents are very unreadable. I
>>still don't understand how anybody can think significant-but-invisible
>>dedentation is a good thing.
>>Note: No need to follow up with long opinions of why indentation is
>>good -- they have been posted hundreds of times. It just seems that
>>Python developers think the whitespace thing is only an issue for
>>newbies. I think that many experienced users don't learn to like it,
>>but instead just learn to live with it.
> Characterizing indentation as "invisible" isn't really fair.

This has nothing to do with fairness.



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