Paul McGuire wrote:
> "Shane Hathaway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>I'm down to 133 characters (counted according to 'wc -c') on a single
>>line.  It contains about 11 whitespace characters (depending on what you
>>consider whitespace.)  It's way too tricky for my taste, but it's fun to
>>play anyway.  Has anyone done better so far?  Here's a hint on my
>>strategy: the code contains three large integers. :-)
> With 1 large integer, I am down to 200 characters on 1 multiline line.  I
> can guess why you have 3 integers vs. 1, but I don't see how that saves you
> any characters of code.

This is interesting. I have a six line solution that is 133 characters 
long. I use no long integers, which is what's interesting; two distinct 
solutions with the same length. I played with long integers for a bit, 
and I can see how one could use a single long integer, but no idea how 
one would use three.



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