Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
> "deprecate" versus "depreciate" -- I wonder how many people
> actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
> different meanings?  

That's a common spelling error, yes, but..  The number-one spelling error
among today's semi-literates is writing "it's" for the third-person neuter
possessive instead of "its".  (These folks frequently write "her's" instead
of "hers" and "who's" instead of "whose" as well, but, strangely, hardly
ever write "hi's" for the masculine form.)  A native English speaker's
spelling of "its" is a very accurate measure of his general literacy.  

[Gee, I hope their were no spelling misteaks inn that paragraph...]

-- Walt

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