Runsun Pan helped me out with the following:

    You can also try the following very primitive solution that I
    use to extract simple information in a quick and dirty way:

    def extract(text,s1,s2):
        ''' Extract strings wrapped between s1 and s2.

        >>> t="""this is a <span>test</span> for <span>extract()</span>
            that <span>does multiple extract</span> """
        >>> extract(t,'<span>','</span>')
        ['test', 'extract()', 'does multiple extract']

        beg = [1,0][text.startswith(s1)]
        tmp = text.split(s1)[beg:]
        end = [len(tmp), len(tmp)+1][ text.endswith(s2)]
        return [ x.split(s2)[0] for x in tmp if

This will help out a  *lot*! Thank you. This is a better bet than the
parser in this particular implementation because the data I need is not
encapsulated in tags! Field names are within <b></b> tags followed by
plain text data and ended with a <br> tag. This was my main problem
with a parser, but your extract fuction solves it beautifully!

I'm posting back to the NG in just in case it is of value to anyone

Could you/anyone explain the 4 lines of code to me though? A crash
course in Python shorthand? What does it mean when you use two sets of
brackets as in : beg = [1,0][text.startswith(s1)] ?

Thanks for the help!


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