Magnus Lycka wrote:

> ...
>I don't like anyone to hand me different texts based on whom
>I say I am. I want to know what the texts are about and decide
>for myself where to go. These are texts, not dressing rooms!
Unfortunately most people do.. That's why there are beginners books,
business books, advanced books etc..

>So, describe the content of each page instead of saying "If
>you're this kind of guy, we think you should read this page".
>It's great to take different "actors" into account, but that
>should not be the public labels on the web site. It's like
>the desk for dissatisfied customers in a department store.
>The sign on the outside says "complaints" or something like
>that. The "stupid customers" sign has to be on the inside.
>That's not what you present to the stupid customers...
>Perhaps the "About Section" should look like this?
>-What is Python     [short summary]
>-Getting started    [a.k.a. for beginners/programmers, how to d/l etc]
>-Why Python?        [a.k.a. for business]
>-Success Stories
Looks good.. I'll have a bit more of a think about it, perhaps the
"getting started" and "why python" pages
could have sections within them (headers) for "if you are new to
programming" and "Should I use python in my business".

>I don't quite understand why there is a "PSF" entry here. If
>I went to the Python web site actively looking for info about
>PSF, I would not look under the introductory "About" menu, but
>rather under "community". If I'm new to Python, I'd probably
>ignore that meaningless acronym. Please move to Community and
>make a link from "Why Python" in a sentence describing how
>using Python avoids vendor lock in.
OK.. I'll put it up as a ticket and try to change it around at the weekend.

Thanks for the feedback.


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