Multiprocessing has been pushed into the field as the chip
manufacturers can no longer deliver as they were used to for many
The general public has been conditioned to believe that 1 + 1 = 2 but
this is in fact not that simple.
Although software manufacturers can with some effort adapt packages to
exploit these dual core architectures, the same is not true for other
development work were no large distribution of the application  is to
take place.
What is the outlook for programming languages in general?
Of course, multiprocessing has been used for many years but this always
involved a much higher level of sophistication on the part of the
designers. This point seems to be largely hidden from the public,
ignorant and semi-ignorant, by the chip manufacturers.
Will new languages see the light rendering the spreading of
applications over many processors quasi transparent?
What is the outlook for Python? Would Ironpython with .net do better?
What about talk by the Java lobby that Java would be very much suited
for taking advantage of dual-core? Is there any thruth to this?

These are questions that many Python users like myself would like to
find some answers for. One thing is clear. The old days will never come
back and the processor multiplication is likely to increase.


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