Rocco Moretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think it's worth pointing out that not all dynamicism is equal, when it
> comes to difficulty in compiling to machine code.

No kidding (do you have any idea how this thread started out?).

> Lisp, like the good functional language that it is, has (primarily) immutable
> values, and minimal side effects.
[further nonsense snipped]

Please don't spread misinformation about things about which you are clueless[1].


[1]  Just as a minor illustrative detail: in python 2 out of 4 builtin
     collection types are immutable (tuples and strings; newer versions also
     have immutable and mutable sets) in CL 5 out of 5 are mutable
     (arrays/vectors/strings, hash-tables, cons cells).

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